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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Canning Terms for the Beginner

So whether you have already purchased a pressure canner or are still debating whether you want to take on this task, we have some canning terms to help you out in the beginning stages of the canning process.

Bacteria - a group of microorganisms that may produce harmful toxins in our food.

Blanch (Scald) - a process to loosen skins on fruits and vegetables and kill enzymes prior to preserving. Submerge food in boiling water for amount of time indicated in the recipe. Then remove and plunge into cold ice water to stop the cooking process.

Boiling Water Bath Canner - A special pot used for water bath canning. Should comes with a rack to hold canning jars off the bottom of the canner.

Botulism -a sometimes fatal disease of the nervous system acquired from spoiled foods in which botulin is present, especially improperly canned or marinated foods. Pressure canners are the only canning method that will reach the high heat needed to prevent it.

Cold packed (Raw Pack) - food is raw when it's packed in the jars. Hot liquid is added over the raw food. Just be sure not to actually put cold jars into your canner as the jars will crack.

Enzyme - enzymes start the process of decomposition, enzyme action slows in the freezer. Increases between 85 and 120 degrees and stops above 140 degrees. Blanching food before freezing stops these enzymes, making food last longer.

High Acid food- food which contains enough acid to have a pH of 4.6 These may be safely processed in a water bath canner.

Hot pack - food is first cooked or partially cooked in a syrup or other liquid before being placed into jars for canning.

Head Space - the space between the top of the food and the lid of the canning jar.

Jar - canning jar or mason jar. Designed especially to withstand home canning procedures.

Lid - canning lids come in a 2 part piece. Often when a lid is referred to it is specifically referring to the flat metal disc. Most are disposable, but there are some that are reusable such as the Tattler Lids and Rings.

Low Acid Food - food which contains minimal natural acid and has a pH above 4.6. All vegetables and meat fall into the low acid food category. Low acid foods must be pressure canned to prevent botulism. Exception: Tomatoes which can be acidified with lemon juice and can be water bath canned.

Process- Sterilizing jars and the foods packed in them through either a water bath canner or a pressure canner. This destroys molds, bacteria, enzymes and yeasts.

Pressure Canner - Pots made exclusively for pressure canning (some can be used for large batch pressure cooking as well). Should comes with a rack to hold jars off the bottom of the canner. There are two types of pressure canners- dial gauge and weighted gauge.

Pectin - a natural substance found in most fruits. This is what causes the jelling of fruits when making jellies or jams, most jams and jelly recipes need extra pectin. Pectin can be purchased in both powdered and liquid form.

Pickling - Preserving food in a solution of brine or vinegar.

Raw Pack (Cold Pack) - food is raw when it's packed in the jars. Hot liquid is added over the raw food. Just be sure not to actually put cold jars into your canner as the jars will crack.

Screw Band - part of a canning lid. This is a metal ring which is screwed down to hold the flat lid against the jar so that it will seal during the canning process.

Scald (Blanch) - a process to loosen skins on fruits and vegetables and kill enzymes prior to preserving. Submerge food in boiling water for amount of time indicated in the recipe. Then remove and plunge into cold ice water to stop the cooking process.

Simmer - to cook food gently, just below the boiling point.

Syrup- a sugar water combination used for canning fruits. sweetness levels range from very light to heavy. Heavier syrups use more sugar.

Venting - Forcing air to escape from a pressure canner.

Yeast - Microscopic fungi that causes fermentation.

Any pressure canning terms we left out? Leave us a comment and we will add it for you.

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