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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Urban Gardens and Pressure Cooking

Wow, we've been seeing a lot of posts about Urban Gardening, Self sustainability, container gardening,  homesteading, and more! How exciting is it that people are getting back to earth and back to the basics? (Personally I feel that getting back to the basics is freeing in a sense).

So, what is the best way to prepare your hard worked for vegetables once they are ripe for the picking? (While raw veggies are awesome, sometimes you just want something cooked for a nice dinner) So if you want a quick way to cook them that preserves the most nutrients then I would suggest giving pressure cooking a try. There are a few different brands of pressure cookers out there and various sizes. There are also Pressure Canners. You can use a pressure canner for cooking, however you CANNOT use a pressure cooker for canning.

For what size cooker you should choose, well that depends on what your needs are, what size family you are cooking for (or if you are just cooking for 1 or 2), how much storage space you have, etc. The size cooker you will need lies with you. Though I will say that those of you who are brave enough to venture into the small house movement, you might want to stick with a smaller cooker like the Presto 4 qt. It is the smallest Presto Pressure cooker that we carry and would be easier to store than a larger one such as the Presto 8 qt.

For Pressure cooker recipes check out our previous blog post that lists 100 recipe links.


  1. RE: "You can use a pressure canner for cooking, however you CANNOT use a pressure cooker for canning."
    Why not? Is it size? Or pressure?

  2. One part of it is size (it would be very hard to fit certain jars in a cooker). However, from our experience, what information we can find, and customer stories, the main part of not being able to can in a pressure cooker is that the pressure cooker heats up and cools faster than a canner which does not allow adequate processing time for your cans to go through the proper process, which could ultimately lead to problems with botulism in your canned goods.


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